Wolfgang Neuser leads a session on Goal setting

On Thursday, Dr. Wolfgang Neuser offered a course on Goal setting leading the group to reflect on Vision and Mission. Sighting examples from Paris basis he dwelt on the importance of distinguishing vision from mission. He articulated to explain on three vital points as, finding Mission, working mission and Realizing success.

Dr. Wolfgang Neuser about Goal setting

He spoke about Goal setting in life and inspired the group to understand SMART goals, which is Sizable, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time bound or framed. Allowing the group to discuss this smaller groups he encouraged them to develop a project for their organization keeping a clear mission in focus and draw implementable goals using SMART. The groups presented a very realistic project proposals which affirmed the digestion of the concept shared.

Wolfgang encouraged participatory recognition of the Goal setting process and ended the session with a strong note on achievements. He said the results are very imperative and he also explained that Goals  cab be changed , the results have to be evaluated and he further said after the achievements of  goals , its time to party. Celebration included part of the process of goal setting. He finally spoke on functions of goals, both ultimate and relative and added the following points. Goals help to decide, Goals motivate and direct activities, Goals build and keep identity, Goals help to review the work, Goals help to solve conflicts. He engaged in a consistent dialogue with the team and encouraged them to share and dialogue on various points with one another. Was a productive time of reflection and learning?

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